
Years 1 to 6 (Age 5 – 11)

In our Primary School we use the Cambridge Primary curriculum for the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. The English National Curriculum is the foundation for other subjects such as Geography, History, Music, Art, Physical Education, Computing and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).



The Primary English is based on Cambridge Primary English Curriculum which promotes an enquiry-based approach to learning, to develop learners’ confidence, creativity and intellectual engagement. It provides a comprehensive set of progressive learning objectives for English.

Divided into six stages, the curriculum covers knowledge, skills and understanding in the three strands; Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening.

Literature is taught to enable students to understand the story and the characters. Also, to understand the Standard Language used in the text, through the author’s craft.

Poems are introduced to appreciate them and comprehend the central idea.

Learning the Letter Sounds by doing an action is a very effective way of teaching and learning, as well as it is fun for children.

Handwriting lessons provide students to develop a clear and systematic way of writing.

In Lower Primary, Oxford Reading Tree remains the core of the reading programme and is used along with reading materials from other resources.



For Key Stage 1, Mathematics covers the strands of Geometry (shape, position and direction), Number, Problem Solving, Statistics and Measurement. There is an emphasis on discovery and understanding as well as the language of numbers and problem-solving. Formal processes (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are introduced through the use of concrete materials.
For Key Stage 2, the main strands in the Mathematics curriculum are:

  • Shape and space – investigating properties of 2D and 3D shapes, tessellation, transformations and symmetry
  • Measurement, –capacity, length, mass and time metric units - km to m etc. estimation and selecting the correct equipment for measuring
  • Number – including various techniques for multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages, probability, place value to millions and rounding to nearest relevant value
  • Data handling – making tables, drawing and interpreting graphs
  • Problem solving – two and three step problems, using and applying all the skills children have learnt through the other strands of the Mathematics curriculum

Concepts are taught through investigation and practical hands-on activities, using concrete materials. Real-life problems give students the opportunity to use what they have learnt to solve problems.



Children learn and use scientific enquiry to explore life processes, physical processes and materials. Topics, which are introduced in Year 1 and developed further in Year 2, include Living things such as Plants, Animals and Humans, Everyday Materials and Seasonal Changes.

The focus of Science is developing confidence and interest in scientific knowledge and environmental awareness. Science lessons often involve students researching or investigating to find answers to questions they have posed. The themes for learning science include Biology (Plants, Living things and their environment, Humans and Animals), Chemistry (Material properties, Material changes, States of matter), Physics (force, Forms of Energy, The Earth and beyond).



In History and Geography, our pupils develop knowledge and understanding of the world, both past and present. Through well planned topics, children develop knowledge of local and international places and the world we live in.

The History curriculum is taught largely through historical enquiry, where children are taught to devise suitable questions about change, cause, similarity & difference, and significance from a historical perspective.

Through a well-developed history curriculum, children develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of local and world history. 

Geography curriculum focuses on extending children’s knowledge and understanding of their local area and the wider world, whilst developing geographical skills and applying these to fieldwork. Pupils study environmental and locational characteristics, looking at both human and physical geography. Physical geography includes zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle. Within human geography, topics include types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water.



All classes participate in Myanmar Language twice a week. The focus is on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Children learn traditional games, rhymes, poems etc. They learn about Myanmar culture, including many tribal groups and their different cultures.



Well-resourced computer rooms help every child to develop computer skills. In Key Stage 1, lessons are designed specifically to teach skills in using programs such as Word, PowerPoint and Paint. Children learn to solve problems by creating algorithms using visual tools, implementing solutions using visual programming language. In addition, they learn to ‘debug’ through finding errors and correcting them. Children are also taught e-safety and learn to use internet efficiently and safely.

In Key Stage 2, children are taught how to create algorithms in programs such as Scratch and MSW Logo; Children also learn how to design a computer game and extending into sequencing, selection, and repetition to create usable scripts. They are taught to understand computer networks including the internet and how they can provide multiple services, such as the World Wide Web, alongside the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration. Children continue to use programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel and Word to apply to the research they conduct for their topics. Children are also taught e-safety and learn to use internet efficiently and safely, making informed choices about the validity of the web pages they access and the legitimacy of the information they gather.



Music is taught for performance and enjoyment. The children listen to and respond to music. They sing songs and play instruments to include a wide range of music. Children develop skills in music theory and singing. They participate in regular class assemblies and in the annual prize giving ceremony.

The children sing and play instruments with increasing confidence. In Key Stage 2, they are introduced to playing the recorder. As their skills in playing improve, they have the option of learning to play other types instruments namely, Guitar, Violin, Ukulele, Piano, Boom whackers and other percussion instruments.



The children explore using many different media and materials to create a range of different art and craft projects. The focus is on enjoyment and creativity through manipulation of a wide variety of materials and media.

They develop their creativity and imagination through producing increasingly more complex artwork. There is a strong focus on sketching and drawing and developing depth using shading.

In Key Stage 2, the focus is on the development of technical understanding, enabling children to design and make functional, appealing products using recycle materials.



In Key Stage 1 children play games to develop social skills such as taking turns, following rules and teamwork, to encourage regular physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

In Key Stage 2 sports skills, including gymnastic and athletic skills are developed, going from basic ball skills to using the skills learnt playing football, handball, softball and basketball. Children also develop skills in Badminton and Table tennis and Karate.